fillet steak

It is a fine cut, of an intense red color, tender and skinny.

Loin or loin

it is divided into three parts: carré, loin and capocollo; from the carré we obtain the chops (the part attached to the ham is called culatello and is used for some types of raw salami); the loin, can be eaten roasted or sliced ​​for rolls; the cup is obtained from the capocollo after trimming and roughing.


it is the continuation of the loin in the region of the back (front of the back); cutting it into slices, you get the nodini and the chops; it can be boned and roasted whole (arista).


trimming, snerving and degreasing the capocollo the cup is obtained.


It is a delicate meat, usually intended for the production of ham and can also be cooked fresh (whole, roasted or spit).


The shoulder muscle is ideal for roasts, stews and braised. The shoulder ham is also obtained from the shoulder; the shoulder is made up of: rump and muscle; with the first, more precious and tender, salami is produced; with the second, harder, are prepared products that require a long cooking (cotechino, cooked salami, mortadella and würstel).

Ribs or pins (also known as ribs or ribs)

it is the final part of the ribs after the dough to obtain the meat to be stuffed; it is an economic cut, poor in meat and rich in connective tissue; the ribs are very tasty if cooked on the grill. The rosticciana or Tuscan holm cost is the single cut comprising the ribs not separated from each other.

Throat and pillow

It is a piece of meat obtained from the neck, crossed by thin veins and a component of fine fat, different from back fat and pancetta.
It has a more compact consistency and is used for the mixture of salami, but because it holds well the cooking is also used to make cotechino and zampone and mortadella.


obtained from the belly of the pig, has a thickness of fat lower than lard and a higher content of muscle tissue (abdominal muscles) of both lard and cheek; it has different preparations: taut or rolled up, with rind or scallonnata, flavored with spices and flavorings or smoked, seasoned or cooked, etc … It is used as an ingredient in several recipes.


it is a little precious cut; generally divided into three parts (skinny, bone and fat) is used in part for human consumption and partly for the production of protein meal for zootechnical use.


the legs, deprived of the nails, are used to stuff the meat (zampone); they are cooked with all the rinds and therefore must be freed of fat with a prolonged boiling.


different types of fat are distinguished: lard, lardello, suet, back fat, throat fat; they are all used in the preparation of cooked and seasoned sausages; from the suet, after a hot treatment, filtration and pouring, lard is obtained.

For a grilled cooking, we recommend the chops, the steaks (of loin, of filetto and of carré);
for a roast cooking, carré, fillet, loin, ribs and leg (carrots) are suitable (oven cooking provides softer meat than live cooking, considering the fact that pork meat, in general, is in any case tending drier than the bovine ones); for a stewing, the most suitable cuts are the loin, the leg, the shoulder, the feet and the head; for frying, finally, the most tender cuts such as nodini, fillet, loin and chops are excellent.