Bacon Processing: artisan
Ingredients: local pork, salt, pepper, herbs and natural spices.
nb. in our cured meats, allergens are not excluded
To prepare this salami, choose the parts of the belly of the local pigs and are squared and trimmed. Depending on whether or not the rind has a type of preparation provided for the bacon. The trimmings of the pancetta are used for the fat part of the salami (lardelli) or to make greaves.
Once the trimming is completed, the pancetta is ready for salting. They are sprinkled with salt, herbs and spices and a few grains of black pepper and they are left to rest for a few days.
The bacon , in italian pancetta is a sausage that can present itself in different forms:
- Pancetta Arrotolata ( bacon rolled up ) is a big salami, you can have it with or without rind. The version without rind is stuffed into a large gut, it binds, with the inclusion of a cup block (also called “capocollo”) you will have the “pancetta coppata”
- Pancetta Steccata (bacon battened) , the rind is folded and squeezed between two sturdy, linked axes;
- Pancetta Stesta (bacon lay )with rind or also called pancetta stretched;
The Butchery D ‘Andrea then proceeds with the maturation of the bacon salami as from Lucanian traditions, the customer can choose between rolled and spread.
recipes and combinations
It is generally proposed as sliced, to be consumed with bread. The bacon is known can also be consumed for an English style breakfast like crispy bacon with scrambled eggs. Excellent pairing with asparagus and goats for appetizers or fast seconds. And what about a very good pasta all’amatriciana with pancetta. For the latter our beef fillet medallions with bacon or the many versions with potatoes will make our meal tasty.
Sweet or dry fruit goes well with bacon. For those looking for really tasty flavors, a hard cheese is ideal to be served with bacon. The flakes of pecorino, for example the local one of Moliterno, or parmigiano reggiano, blend perfectly with the cup.
If you are looking for a simpler combination even two slices of wholemeal bread or cereals with bacon are a tasty and healthy refill.
The bacon is a cured meat with a rich flavor so it is necessary to combine it with a full bodied red wine such as a good glass of Aglianico del Vulture.
Once sliced, the rolled bacon or bacon is kept in the refrigerator for a day at most. Much longer is the preservation of the whole pancetta, should be kept in a cool place and, once started, covered with food film and consumed within a month.